Scottish Blackface Sheep
In 2005 and 2006 we used 3 lines of imported Scottish semen to enhance the genetics in our Scottish Blackface sheep. The semen from high index rams was imported from the Gilmanscleuch flock in Ettrick, Selkirk. This flock was a participant in the Blackface Sire Reference Co. The results have so far been outstanding.
We used the same three lines of semen on our ewes in the fall of 2021 to further enhance these fine genetics. The semen was used on granddaugthers and great granddaughters.
See our Breeding Stock 2024 page for details.
Scottish Blackface Sheep are a very old hill breed. The Blackface sheep excels in its ranging ability, and is unequalled among hill sheep in combining this character with earliness of maturity, good carcass conformation and yield, and also with yield of wool. The small hill lamb is perhaps the finest quality in the world, giving a carcass free from superfluous fat and waste. This light-weight carcass is truly a gourmet delight.
Blackface wool is a specialty wool in a class of its own. It is used in the mattress and upholstery trades, the carpet trade and the heavy cloth trade, with the finest Blackface wool going to the famous Harris Tweed trade.
Littledale Scottish Blackface Sheep are hardy and take the harsh Wisconsin winter in their stride. They lamb in March/April and the newborn lambs are quick to get up and nurse, assisted by the ewe's strong mothering instinct. Lambs are raised on mothers milk and pasture. The breeding stock is ready in late July/August and market lambs in September/October.

Scottish Blackface Breeders Union
Organized to promote the Scottish Blackface breed in North AmericaBU
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